April 03, 2007

It's a Girl!

On March 6th, we found out that Mar Mar is a girl. While I am soo excited it's a girl, I think Ed has warmed up to the idea a little bit more, although he is somewhat disapointed that he is not getting a football quarterback as our firstborn! This is a photo of Mar Mar at 19 weeks. I can't believe how clear the sonogram is! Clearly she is advanced. Mar Mar started to kick about 3 weeks ago. It's so weird to have something moving inside your stomache, but very cool. I think she's just reminding me that she's around.

Sarah's Pregnant

On November 23, 2006 (Black Friday shopping day) we found outI was pregnant!! We were kind of shocked at first and of course very excited. I have had a very easy pregnancy so far; no morning sickness, no cravings. We affectionally call the baby Mar Mar because two weeks before we found out I was pregnant I had this dream about my friend Kelly who was so pregnant and she was showing me all her baby things and she said that she was having a girl and going to call it Mar Mar. So when we found out that we were pregnant, we just started calling the baby Mar Mar. And yes, we will be giving the baby a "real" name when she is born! I am due July 28.