Although a California fall is nothing like a New England fall, it's still fall and we still love the new season!
Top 8 reasons why we love fall:
1. Football Season! (ok, so this is more Ed then I, but still fun)
2. Best beer season ever! says Ed. Try a pumpkin beer or Sam Adams Octoberfest
3. Pumpkin Spice latte's from Starbucks....get one, you'll enjoy it!
4. New Wardrobe! Another excuse why you need to buy new clothes
5. Weather change. Even though we love the constant sun and heat, sometimes its nice
to need to put jeans and a sweater on.
6. Lazy fall days are acceptable and long Sunday afternoon naps are inevitable....I
suppose Sophie might have a different idea about this!
7. Cookie season is coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Christmas is just around the corner!